%trail% <<|[[DocumentationIndex]]|>> PmWiki uses [[WikiStyles]] for styling text with color and other attributes. PmWiki 2.0 introduced the ability to control the styling further and to even place styles on blocks. A style is specified within a pair of %-signs and styles the text that follows, as in: (:markup:) [= This text is %color=red% red, %color=blue% blue, %% and normal (black). =] There are a wide number of available style properties, borrowed primarily from HTML and CSS. In addition, an author can define a style "shortcut" by using the [@define=@] property. For example, to define a style of [@%red%@], one can use: (:markup:) [= %color=red define=mystyle% Here is some %mystyle% red text created using a style shortcut. =] Shortcuts can be combined with other styles, including other shortcuts: (:markup:) [= %color=red define=lovelyred% %bgcolor=yellow define=likegrapefruit% %red% This text is red, %red bgcolor=#ccc% red on a grey background, and %lovelyred likegrapefruit% red on a yellow background. =] So far, this is all basically the same as what was available in PmWiki 1.0. PmWiki 2.0 includes the capability to style blocks, by using the [@apply=@] style property. Specifying [@apply=block@] in a `WikiStyle will cause that style to be applied to the entire block, instead of just the text that follows: (:markup:) [= This entire block %apply=block bgcolor=yellow% has a yellow background, even though the `WikiStyle appears in the middle of the line. %bgcolor=pink% Other inline (non-block) WikiStyles can appear in the middle of the line,%% as before. =] This means it's now possible to do right-aligned and centered text: (:markup:) [= %block text-align=right% The text of this paragraph is right-aligned. %block text-align=center% The text of this paragraph is centered. =] In fact, PmWiki predefines [@%right%@] and [@%center%@] style shortcuts so that you can do this more simply: (:markup:) [= %right% This is right-aligned. %center% This is centered. =] Authors can define their own custom styles: (:markup:) [= %block bgcolor=#fdf define=Pm% %center bgcolor=#dfd border='3px dotted green' define=goofy% %right bgcolor=#ffffcc border='1px dotted red' padding=5px define=rediguana% %define=strike text-decoration=line-through% %Pm% Any text that is on a light purple background is a comment from "Pm". %goofy% Here's some text from Goofy. %rediguana% bla bla by rediguana! %goofy%Hello, I am %strike%upset%% %strike%disheartened%% happy to meet you. =] Styles can be applied to almost any kind of block: (:markup:) [= * %block bgcolor=yellow% Here is a list item * Here's another list item * Here's more of a list # A new list =] In particular, this means that outlines are now possible using the predefined [@%ROMAN%@], [@%roman%@], [@%ALPHA%@], and [@%alpha%@] list-block styles. The style has to be specified on the first item in the list (and we may develop an alternate syntax for this sort of ordered list): (:markup:) [= # %ROMAN% Top level ## %ALPHA% second-level ## second-level ## second-level ### third-level ### third-level ## second-level ### third-level #### %alpha% fourth-level ##### %roman% fifth-level ##### fifth-level #### fourth-level # top-level # top-level =] [[WikiStyles]] can be combined with CSS stylesheets to do this automatically -- see [[Cookbook:OutlineLists]]. !! Q & A !!! How do I get a block of preformatted text? Use something similar to this (assuming you want markup within the block to be interpreted as wiki markup and URIs to be recognized). (:markup:) >>white-space=pre<< This block of text is ''preformatted'', see all the white-space and linebreaks are preserverd. Links such as [[wiki styles]] etc still work. >><< (:markupend:) !!! How do I get a block of preformatted text with a colored background and a border? Use something similar to this (note that wiki markup etc is not recognized within the block): (:markup:) %block bgcolor=#f0f9ff border='1px solid gray' padding=5px%[@ ip access-list extended example-acl remark ** This is an example acl ** deny ip any host permit ip any any @] (:markupend:) %trail% <<|[[Documentation Index]]|>>