<<|[[PmWiki.Variables]]|>> :$EnableGUIButtons:When set to '1', turns on the graphical buttons in the "Edit Page" form. # turn on graphical edit buttons $EnableGUIButtons = 1; :$EnablePostAuthorRequired:When set to '1', posting of pages requires the author to provide an author name. Otherwise, authors can post without a name. # require authors to provide a name $EnablePostAuthorRequired = 1; :$EnableDrafts:When set to '1', enables the "Save as draft" button and built-in handling of "draft" versions of pages, where: (1) initial "Save as draft" of an existing page ("PageName") saves changes to a new name ("PageName-Draft"), (2) subsequent attempts to edit PageName causes PageName-Draft to be edited, (3) subsequent selections of "Save as draft" cause PageName-Draft to be saved, and (4) pressing "Save" causes PageName-Draft to be posted to PageName, and deleted. # turn on draft edits $EnableDrafts = 1; :$DraftSuffix:The suffix to use for draft versions of pages (default "-Draft"). :$DiffKeepDays:The $DiffKeepDays variable sets the minimum length of time that a page's revision history is kept. By default it is set to 3650 days, or a little less than ten years. You can change this value in a customization file to be something smaller, e.g.: $DiffKeepDays = 30; # keep revisions at least 30 days : :Note that a specific page revision isn't removed from the page until the first edit after the time specified by $DiffKeepDays has elapsed. Thus, it's still possible for some pages to have revisions older than $DiffKeepDays -- such revisions will be removed the next time those pages are edited. :$DeleteKeyPattern:The pattern used to determine if a page should be deleted. The default is to remove pages that contain only the single word "delete" (and optional spaces). # change delete word to "remove" $DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*remove\\s*$"; # delete any page with no visible text, i.e., empty $DeleteKeyPattern = "^\\s*$"; :$EditTemplatesFmt:Name of the page (or an array of names) to be used as the default text for any newly created pages. [=# Use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' as default text of all new pages $EditTemplatesFmt = 'Main.NewPageTemplate'; # Use 'Template' in the current group for new pages $EditTemplatesFmt = '$Group.Template'; # Use 'Template' in the current group if it exists, otherwise # use 'Main.NewPageTemplate' $EditTemplatesFmt = array('$Group.Template', 'Main.NewPageTemplate');=] :$DefaultPageTextFmt:The text that should be displayed when browsing non-existent pages. As default PmWiki uses the contents of Site.PageNotFound [@$DefaultPageTextFmt = '(:include $[{$SiteGroup}.PageNotFound]:)';@] :$EditFunctions: This array contains the sequence of functions that are called when a page is edited. It can be customized to provide additional functions to be called as part of the editing process. The standard setting is: [=$EditFunctions = array('EditTemplate', 'RestorePage', 'ReplaceOnSave', 'SaveAttributes', 'PostPage', 'PostRecentChanges', 'PreviewPage'); =] :$ROSPatterns: With this array you can give a pattern as key and a text which should replace it when saving an edited text. See Cookbook:ROSPatterns for examples. :$IsPagePosted: Set to a true value if the page is actually saved (e.g., this is used to tell the RecentChanges handlers if they need to update). :$PageEditFmt: By default, this is the HTML to be displayed for an edit form. :$PageEditForm: Specifies the edit form for ?action=edit. Defaults to '$SiteGroup.EditForm'. :$HandleEditFmt: Like $HandleBrowseFmt, this specifies the entire output format for ?action=edit for a page. :$EditRedirectFmt: The page to which an author is sent after pressing "Save" or "Cancel" from an edit form. Defaults to "$FullName", which sends the author to the page just edited, but can be changed to specify another page. [@# redirect to Main.HomePage $EditRedirectFmt = 'Main.HomePage'; # redirect to HomePage of current group $EditRedirectFmt = '{$Group}.HomePage'; @]